It is not nice to mess with western business interests if you are Russian. The informed citizens newly created country of the United States clearly understood what was to be gained by having a foothold in the Ukraine, and the Crimea.
By the Ship Active,
Capt. Lyde, arrived at Boston 29 Days from London, we have the following fresh
Advices, viz.
In consequence of the threat thrown
out in the House of Common, of withholding the supplies, it is expected that
his Majesty will determine on the truly patriotic measure of taking the opinion
of the public at large, by calling a new Parliament, since it appears otherwise
impossible to reconcile the present jarring interests.
The severe season in 1739, to which
the present has been compared, blasted 15 weeks, from December 24 two April,
and was succeeded by a fine spring, and the most plentiful harvest ever known
in this country.
25. The letter from Munich says, "never did the Palette and eight
behold so cruelly calamity as that which they now experience. The inhabitants
of Mann behind, expiring through inanition [sic], exhibit a most disastrous
spectacles; the To a lector, reduced to the melancholy necessity of seeing his
subjects parish, without a possibility of affording them the least relief. The
Neckar and the Rhine, diluting the streets to the first stories of the houses,
are too much frozen to be navigable, and not sufficiently so for passengers to
venture over [] moreover, the enormous bodies of ice that float on these two
rivers would soon think the boats that might be sent to the assistance of the
unfortunate victims."
27. Two years salt provisions are ordered to be got ready for nova-Scotia;
the people there being in great distress.
The Providence Gazette And Country Journal 04-24-1784 News from Crimea 1784 |
By the late agreement which has
taken place between the Turks and the Russians, the whole Crimea is seated to
the latter in full sovereignty, and the free navigation so long contended for.
This is the real downfall of the Ottoman empire, and not the war, which will
infallibly take place in four or five years, when Russia has fortified that
peninsula so as to have nothing to fear.
By the late treaty, Russia gains the
entire sovereignty of one of the finest countries in the world, in a climate
happy as the South of France, producing almost every luxury, and all the
necessaries of life, and situated so fortunately that it communicates with the
Mediterranean seaas [sic] readily as this situated on it. The conquest of this
territory, which the Russian Court intends to improve to the highest pitch,
will be a fatal blow to the interest in trade of friends. A great import at
Petersburgh [Capital of Imperial Russia] from that kingdom, is wines and
brandies; these will be made in Crimea to equal any in the world, and that vast
empire thus supply itself with those objects for which it has hitherto paid
such large sums to France.
The climate, fertility, and
population of the Crimea are such, that it will maintain an army of 60,000 men,
without trespassing on the inhabitants; so great an accession of force has the Empress
[Yekaterina Alexeevna or Catherine II, also known as Catherine the Great] made by this piece; and, what is of yet more
value, a decided and uninterrupted passage through the Hellespont to the
Mediterranean, which will give a ready market to all sorts of productions, not
only of the Crimea, but also of her old dominion of the Ukraine.