The 5 O'Clock Tea.
The Philadelphia Press.
From the
cup of tea and slice of bread and butter obtained from nurse, the "5
o'clock tea", has grown into a miniature feast, at which sandwiches of all
kinds are as popular as the traditional muffin or buttered toast, and the cakes
and bonbons to be met with are a perfect revelation in the matter of
confectionery. Perhaps, therefore, a few
hints where to obtain some novel, or, at any rate, extremely dainty addenda for
this repast may not be unwelcome.
To begin
with sandwiches, these are of all kinds, the great requisite being extreme
daintiness both to sight and taste, though this is so well understood that it
is almost needless to insist on it. The
usual sandwiches are nice little slices of brown or white bread and butter,
spread with carefully potted game or fish: fillets of anchovy, washed and
boned; sardines filleted and carefully wiped free of any oil; ham, lobster,
anchovy, groen or watercress butters, or, last, but not least, caviare [sic]
(especially the large grain sort), imported direct and fresh from Astrakhan),
delicately seasoned with lemon juice, and to conclude, pate de foie gras. The
slices are covered with corresponding slices, carefully buttered, then pressed
firmly together, cut into shapes with pastry cutters (round, oval, &c.),
dished en couronne, and garnished
with watercress round, or each sandwich brushed lightly with a little butter
and sprinkled with very finely chopped parsley, truffle, lobster coral or
hard-boiled yoke of egg pressed through a sieve. Another way of serving them is when the
slices are spread to curl them round as you would roll a cigarette, giving a
light press just at the last to keep them in shape.
delicious little savory treat we owe to Russia, where it is called Blini au caviar, it is made as follows:
Toast some perfectly fresh crumpets on both sides, and when lightly colored
butter one side profusely (as buttered toast is treated) and spread this again
with caviare [sic], adding a squeeze of lemon juice, and serve very hot.[1]
Transcribed by John Peter Thompson. 26 December 2014.e: 7. Washington (DC), District of Columbia