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An old Cherokee is teaching his grandson about life. "A fight is going on inside me," he said to the boy.

"It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One is evil—he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and ego." He continued, "The other is good—he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. The same fight is going on inside you—and inside every other person, too."

The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"

The old Cherokee simply replied, "The one you feed."

First People - The Legends. Cherokee Legend of Two Wolves. November 16, 2004. [accessed April 7, 2012].

Monday, October 06, 2014

Planters' Advocate - Upper Marlboro, Maryland October 4, 1854

Selections from 
The Planters' Advocate 
Upper Marlboro, Maryland 
October 4, 1854[1]
The Platform Announced!
            There was a grand No Nothing demonstration in front of the City Hall, in Washington on Wednesday last, whereat, among others, this VESPASIAN ELLIS, Esq., made a speech, defining the doctrines of his party, which of course are authoritative, in view of the position he is shortly to fill.
            "Judge Ellis, as the selected editor of the contemplated 'American Organ,' explained the principles which he intends to advocate, including opposition to the election of any man of foreign birth, or of an American Roman Catholic, to office. He was, he said, in favor of forever excluding men not born in this country from exercising the elective franchise, but, in deference to his friend, he would agree to fix the naturalization probation at 21 years. The meeting heartily endorsed his sentiments."
Tab Mr. Ellis formally represented Accomack County in the Virginia Legislature; subsequently he was appointed Judge of a Circuit Court in that State, and during Pres. Tyler's administration was sent aS cHARGE [SIC] to Nicaragua. He has always been considered a Democrat.
Shooting Case Near Bladensburg. —
            We are informed that on Saturday morning last two German from Washington, Christian and Henry Gantz, went on a gunning excursion near Bladensburg, where they trespassed upon the land of EDWARD W. DUVALL, Esq., by whom they were politely requested to leave; that they refused to do so, when he said something to the effect "that he would see if they could not be made to go," and turning towards his house, was deliberately shot in the left side by one of the intruders. They then marched off to Washington, where, in the afternoon, they were tracked to a larger[sic]-beer shop and arrested by officer GEO. W. NEWMAN, a blatant morgue, an officer TIMS, of the city. The wound was considered exceedingly dangerous, and Mr. Duvall was considered hopeless. He was still alive on Monday. Washington rowdies are beginning to be great test to the contiguous portions of this and other counties.          
$300 Reward
            RANAWAY from the subscriber, living near Upper Marlboro', Prince George's County, Maryland, on Monday, 28 August, 1854, Negro boy Alan who calls himself
he is about 19 or 20 years of age; a bright mulatto: freckled face; straight hair; as a large scar on one of his wrists, caused by a cut; about 5 feet five or 6 inches in heighth.
            He has relations living in the Washington City. He has also a brother belonging to Richard B. B. Chew, Esq., a sister belonging to Thomas Talbertt, Esq., and his father belongs to Col. William D. Bowie, and stays at his "Bellfield Farm." I have reason to believe he is endeavoring to pass himself off as a white boy.
I will give the above reward for his apprehension, if taken out of Prince George's County —   or 180 Dollars, if taken in the said County — in either case he must be brought home, secured in jail, so that I get possession of him again.
                                                            CHARLES CLAGETT.
September 13, 1854 - tf 
"Gen. Cass Overheard."
            It is said that GEN. CASS[2], and a late gathering in Michigan, made a speech, wherein he affirmed his delight at his residence was in a free state, and "he did not, and never had, like consisting of Southern slavery," and made other declarations indicating sympathy with ultra northern in them and not much in keeping with his former profession. This has given rise to much comment, and the Richmond Enquirer, the leading Democratic Journal of Virginia, and thus lets into the veteran general:
            GEN. CASS might have moderated his language to suit the temper of his constituents, but it was scarcely allowable in him to sacrifice his principles even to the necessities of his position. At any rate he cannot expect the South to recollect only the brave words which he uttered in Washington, and to take for not the treacherous we can Tatian at Detroit. If his language be correctly given in the report of his speech, he has severed the last chord that bound him to the democracy of the South. Henceforth he must rank with Benton and Van Buren; as one who has insulted our feelings and betrayed our confidence. The weak attempt to serve two masters, to reconcile devotion to the Constitution with submission to abolitionism — an attempt to which he has persuaded by the suggestion of an undying ambition — has placed in with these illustrious apostates, in the limbo of lost and dishonored politicians.  
            Duration of the War. — A letter in the National Intelligencer speaking of the European War says, that "the policy of the Emperor Nicholas will be to protract this war; for the expense of carrying it on by the Allies is enormous. The English journals say that the British Government have already paid £4,000,000,($20,000,000) for transportation alone, and everything for both armies has to be sent to them. One item that they are shipping from France, is ten thousand head of cattle. If the czar will only draw himself within his shell like a terrapin, and let them bang their bootless blows upon him, they will soon get tired of the unprofitable and inglorious contest."[3]

[1] Maryland State Archives. Planter's Advocate Collection. MSA SC 3415. msa_sc3415_scm3597-0170

Transcribed by John Peter Thompson. [October 6, 2014].
[2] General, Governor, Senator, Secretary of State: 
[3] The Crimean War (October 1853–February 1856

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